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Federal Budget Commentary: Business Measures

Small Business Deduction Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs) benefit from the small business deduction (SBD), a reduced corporate tax rate on active business income from the 15% general rate to 9% federally. Each province also has an SBD regime. A “business limit” of $500,000 of annual income...

Small Business Deduction

Canadian-controlled private corporations (CCPCs) benefit from the small business deduction (SBD), a reduced corporate tax rate on active business income from the 15% general rate to 9% federally. Each province also has an SBD regime. A “business limit” of $500,000 of annual income (shared between associated corporations) limits eligibility to the SBD federally, and in all provinces except Saskatchewan, which has a $600,000 provincial business limit.

The business limit is reduced for corporations or associated groups which have “taxable capital” in excess of $10 million, with the business limit reduced by $1 for every additional $10 of taxable capital over the $10 million threshold, until it is eliminated where taxable capital equals or exceeds $15 million.

Budget 2022 proposes to reduce the business limit by $1 for every $80 of taxable capital in excess of $10 million, such that the limit will be more gradually reduced, and only eliminated where taxable capital equals or exceeds $50 million. This measure is proposed to apply for corporate taxation years beginning on or after April 7, 2022.

No changes are proposed to the parallel reduction to the business limit where adjusted aggregate investment income exceeds $50,000.

Anti-Avoidance Measures – Corporate Investment Income

In addition to being ineligible for the SBD, investment income (such as interest, royalties, rent and taxable capital gains) earned by CCPCs is subject to a significantly higher corporate tax rate of 38 2/3% (plus provincial tax which, in most provinces, results in a combined tax rate of over 50%). A similar regime (Part IV Tax) applies to portfolio dividends received by CCPCs. This is intended to result in corporate taxes similar to the top personal tax rates.

A portion of this tax is refundable when taxable dividends are paid by the corporation to its shareholders, so that the combined corporate taxes after this refund and personal tax paid by the ultimate individual shareholders is comparable to the tax that would have been paid if the investments had been made personally, rather than corporately.

As these special rules apply only to CCPCs, some planning strategies have been developed where corporations are structured to fall outside CCPC status. These include the use of corporations governed by a foreign country’s corporate legislation, or the issuance of options or voting shares to non-Canadians. A number of taxpayers who have implemented such strategies have been challenged by CRA, with appeals to be heard by the Tax Court of Canada, however such challenges are both time-consuming and costly for the government.

Budget 2022 proposes that private corporations which are not CCPCs, but are factually controlled by one or more Canadian persons, be subject to the same investment income rules as a CCPC. An anti-avoidance rule will also apply this treatment to any corporation falling outside the technical rules, where it is reasonable to consider that one or more transactions were undertaken to avoid these rules. This measure will generally apply to taxation years that end on or after April 7, 2022, with possible deferral where an arm’s length sale pursuant to a written purchase and sale agreement was entered into prior to that date.

Intergenerational Business Transfers

A complex anti-avoidance rule prevents the sale of shares of closely-held corporations by individual shareholders to related corporations from resulting in capital gains, instead causing the seller to realize dividends. In addition to attracting higher taxes than capital gains, dividends are not eligible for the lifetime capital gains exemption (LCGE).

This provision has been a source of frustration for business owners wishing to transition a family business to the next generation, denying them access to the LCGE which would have been available on a similar sale to unrelated parties. On June 29, 2021, legislation (Bill C-208) exempting sales of shares of small business corporations or family farm or fishing corporations from parents to corporations controlled by their children from this provision, allowing the realization of capital gains potentially eligible for the LCGE, was passed into law.

The government had indicated that they were concerned that this legislation could permit transfers beyond genuine intergenerational business successions to benefit from this lower tax cost, a practice commonly referred to as “surplus stripping,” and that further amendments would be made to limit these transactions to their intended purpose.

Budget 2022 reiterates the government’s intention to amend the legislation to restrict these transactions to genuine intergenerational business transfers, while continuing to facilitate legitimate business successions. It announces a consultation by the Department of Finance, with specific mention of the agriculture sector, to close on June 17, 2022. Comments can be sent to The government indicated that amending legislation would be included in a bill to be tabled in the fall after the conclusion of the consultation process.

Flow-through Shares

Flow-through share agreements allow corporations to renounce or “flow through” specified expenses to investors, who can deduct the expenses in calculating their taxable income. These are common in the resource sector, where they allow certain resource pools to be claimed by investors, rather than the corporations incurring the costs. A Mineral Exploration Tax Credit equal to 15% of specified mineral exploration expenses incurred in Canada and renounced to flow-through share investors also applies to some flow-through shares.

Increased Credit for Critical Minerals

Budget 2022 proposes to introduce a new 30% Critical Mineral Exploration Tax Credit for specified minerals, specifically copper, nickel, lithium, cobalt, graphite, rare earth elements, scandium, titanium, gallium, vanadium, tellurium, magnesium, zinc, platinum group metals and uranium. These minerals are used in the production of batteries and permanent magnets, both of which are used in zero-emission vehicles, or are necessary in the production and processing of advanced materials, clean technology, or semi-conductors. This will effectively double the credit for exploration expenditures related to such minerals.

This enhanced credit would apply to expenditures renounced under eligible flow-through share agreements entered into after April 7, 2022 and on or before March 31, 2027.

Elimination of Flow-through Shares for Oil, Gas and Coal

Budget 2022 proposes to eliminate the flow-through share regime for oil, gas and coal activities. Such expenditures would not be permitted to be renounced to share purchasers under flow-through share agreements entered into after March 31, 2023.

Other Business Measures

Several business measures proposed in Budget 2022 target specific sectors. These include the following:

Real Estate

  • Budget 2022 announces a federal review of housing as an asset class, including the examination of potential changes to the tax treatment of large corporate players that invest in residential real estate. Further details on the review will be released later in 2022, with potential early actions to be announced before the end of the year.
  • Budget 2022 announces that anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing requirements will be extended to all businesses conducting mortgage lending in Canada.

Green Economy

  • Budget 2022 proposes to launch a new purchase incentive program for medium- and heavy-duty Zero-Emission Vehicles (ZEVs). Transport Canada will work with provinces and territories to develop and harmonize regulations and to conduct safety testing for long-haul zero-emission trucks. Natural Resources Canada will expand the Green Freight Assessment Program, which will be renamed the Green Freight Program, to support assessments and retrofits of more vehicles and a greater diversity of fleet and vehicle types.
  • Budget 2022 announces a consultation with experts to establish an investment tax credit of up to 30%, focused on net-zero technologies, battery storage solutions and clean hydrogen. Further details will be announced in the 2022 fall economic and fiscal update.
  • Air-source heat pumps primarily used for space or water heating acquired and becoming available for use on or after April 7, 2022 will be eligible for inclusion in Class 43.1 or 43.2, special accelerated CCA classes for investments in specified clean energy generation and energy conservation equipment. In addition, the manufacturing of such air-source heat pumps will be included in the definition of eligible zero-emission technology manufacturing or processing activities, eligible for reduced federal tax rates (halved rates for taxation years beginning in 2022 to 2028, then gradually increased to the standard rates, with no reduction for years beginning in 2032 or later).
  • A refundable tax credit for the cost of purchasing and installing eligible equipment used in an eligible carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) project will be implemented. Eligible expenses incurred after 2021 until 2030 would benefit from credits ranging from 37.5% to 60%, with expenditures incurred until 2040 eligible for credits at half of these rates. New capital cost allowance classes at rates of 8% and 20% are also proposed for certain CCUS equipment.

Business Investment Initiatives

  • Budget 2022 proposes to create the Employee Ownership Trust, a new type of trust to support employee ownership. The government will engage with stakeholders to develop rules for these trusts.
  • Budget 2022 proposes the Canada Growth Fund, an independent public investment vehicle that will invest using a broad suite of financial instruments, with the goal that every dollar invested will attract at least three dollars of private capital. Further details will be announced in the 2022 fall economic and fiscal update.

Encouraging Innovation

  • Budget 2022 announces an independent federal innovation and investment agency, with further consultation later this year. Support delivered through the innovation and investment agency is expected to enable innovation and growth within the Canadian defence sector and boost investments in Canadian defence manufacturing. Further details will be announced in the 2022 fall economic and fiscal update.
  • Budget 2022 announces a review of the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) program, to assess its effectiveness in encouraging R&D that benefits Canada, and to explore opportunities to modernize and simplify the program. As part of this review, the government will also consider whether the tax system can encourage the development and retention of intellectual property, including seeking views on the suitability of adopting a patent box regime.

Financial Sector

  • Budget 2022 announces the government’s intention to launch a financial sector legislative review focused on the digitalization of money and maintaining financial sector stability and security. The first phase of the review will be directed at digital currencies, including cryptocurrencies and stablecoins.
  • A one-time 15% tax on bank and life insurance groups, based on taxable income in excess of $1 billion for taxation years ended in 2021, would be imposed for the 2022 taxation year and payable over five years. For subsequent years, a 1.5% additional tax would apply to income of such corporate groups in excess of $100 million.
  • A new accounting policy requirement, IFRS 17, will require insurers to defer recognition of contract service margins (CSMs) for accounting purposes commencing on January 1, 2023. Budget 2022 proposes that this deferral will not be permitted for income tax purposes. The timing of income inclusions for CSMs for income tax purposes will be set by legislation.
  • Proposed anti-avoidance measures will impact certain hedging and short-selling transactions undertaken by Canadian financial institutions and registered securities dealers.

Combatting Aggressive Tax Planning

  • Budget 2022 proposes to provide $1.2 billion over five years for CRA to expand audits of larger entities and non-residents engaged in aggressive tax planning; increase both the investigation and prosecution of those engaged in criminal tax evasion; and to expand its educational outreach.
  • The General Anti-avoidance Rule (GAAR) is proposed to be amended to allow CRA to challenge transactions that affect tax attributes (e.g. asset costs, losses carried forward, paid-up capital, capital dividend account) that have not yet become relevant to the computation of tax. This specific measure overrides a 2018 Federal Court of Appeal decision that held that GAAR could only be applied when the tax attribute was utilized to reduce income taxes.

Federal Budget Commentary: Personal Measures

Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA) Budget 2022 proposes to create the tax-free FHSA to help first-time home buyers save up to $40,000 for their first home. Contributions to an FHSA would be deductible (like an RRSP), and income earned in an FHSA and qualifying withdrawals...

Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (FHSA)

Budget 2022 proposes to create the tax-free FHSA to help first-time home buyers save up to $40,000 for their first home. Contributions to an FHSA would be deductible (like an RRSP), and income earned in an FHSA and qualifying withdrawals from an FHSA made to purchase a first home would be non-taxable (like a TFSA).

The lifetime limit on contributions would be $40,000, subject to an annual contribution limit of $8,000. Unused annual contribution room would not be carried forward. Individuals would also be allowed to transfer funds from an RRSP to an FHSA tax-free, subject to the $40,000 lifetime and $8,000 annual contribution limits.

Withdrawals for purposes other than to purchase a first home would be taxable. However, an individual could transfer funds from an FHSA to an RRSP (at any time before the year they turn 71) or a RRIF on a non-taxable basis. Transfers would not reduce, or be limited by, the individual’s available RRSP room. Withdrawals and transfers would not replenish FHSA contribution limits.

Individuals would not be permitted to make both an FHSA withdrawal and a home buyers’ plan withdrawal in respect of the same qualifying home purchase.

If an individual has not used the funds in their FHSA for a qualifying first home purchase within 15 years of opening an FHSA, their FHSA would have to be closed. Any unused funds could be transferred into an RRSP or RRIF or would otherwise have to be withdrawn on a taxable basis.


Individuals eligible to open an FHSA must be at least 18 years of age and resident in Canada. In addition, they must not have lived in a home that they or their spouse owned at any time in the year the account was opened or the preceding four calendar years.

Effective Date

The government would work with financial institutions to allow individuals to open an FHSA and start contributing in 2023.

Home Buyers’ Tax Credit

First-time home buyers can obtain up to $750 in tax relief as a non-refundable tax credit by claiming this credit. Budget 2022 proposes to double the Home Buyers’ Tax Credit amount, such that tax relief of up to $1,500 can be accessed by eligible home buyers. This measure would apply to acquisitions of a qualifying home made on or after January 1, 2022.

Home Accessibility Tax Credit

The Home Accessibility Tax Credit is a non-refundable tax credit that provides relief of up to $1,500 on eligible home renovations (15% of expenses of up to $10,000) to make the dwelling more accessible to seniors or those eligible for the Disability Tax Credit that reside in the property. Budget 2022 proposes to double the annual expense limit to $20,000, such that the maximum non-refundable tax credit would be $3,000. This measure would apply to expenses incurred in the 2022 and subsequent taxation years.

Multigenerational Home Renovation Tax Credit

Budget 2022 proposes a new refundable tax credit to support constructing a secondary suite for an eligible person to live with a qualifying relation. An eligible person would be a senior (65+ years of age at the end of the tax year when the renovation was completed) or an adult (18+ years of age) eligible for the disability tax credit. A qualifying relation would be 18+ years of age and a parent, grandparent, child, grandchild, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, niece or nephew of the eligible person (which includes the spouse or common-law partner of one of those individuals).

This tax credit would provide tax relief of 15% on up to $50,000 of eligible expenditures, providing a maximum benefit of $7,500.

Qualifying Renovation

The renovation must allow the eligible person to live with the qualifying relation by establishing a secondary unit (which must have a private entrance, kitchen, bathroom facilities and sleeping area). The secondary unit could be newly constructed or created from an existing living space that did not already meet the requirements to be a secondary unit. Relevant building permits for establishing a secondary unit must be obtained, and renovations must be completed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which the eligible dwelling is located.

One qualifying renovation would be permitted to be claimed in respect of an eligible person over their lifetime.

The credit would be claimed in the year that the qualifying renovation passes a final inspection, or proof of completion of the project according to all legal requirements of the jurisdiction in which the renovation was undertaken is otherwise obtained.

Eligible Expenses

Eligible expenses would include the cost of labour and professional services, building materials, fixtures, equipment rentals and permits. Items such as furniture and items that retain a value independent of the renovation (such as construction equipment and tools) would not qualify for the credit.

Goods or services provided by a person not dealing at arm’s length with the claimant would not be eligible unless that person is registered for GST/HST. All expenses must be supported by receipts.

Expenses would not be eligible for this credit if claimed as a medical expense tax credit and/or home accessibility tax credit.

Eligible Claimants

The credit may be claimed by the eligible person, their spouse, or a qualifying relation that resides in or intends to reside in the dwelling within 12 months of the renovation. A qualifying relation that owns the dwelling can also make a claim.

Where one or more eligible claimants claim in respect of a qualifying renovation, the total of all amounts claimed for the renovation must not exceed $50,000.

Eligible Dwelling

An eligible dwelling must be owned by the eligible person, their spouse, or a qualifying relation. Within twelve months of the renovation, the eligible person and the qualifying relation must also ordinarily reside or intend to reside in the property.

Effective Date

This measure would apply for the 2023 and subsequent taxation years, in respect of work performed and paid for and/or goods acquired on or after January 1, 2023.

Residential Property Flipping Rule

The government is concerned that taxpayers are inappropriately reporting gains on the disposition of real estate acquired for resale at a profit. In these cases, the profit is fully taxable as business income (100% taxed), and not a capital gain (50% taxed, and potentially eligible for the principal residence exemption).

Budget 2022 proposes to introduce a new rule that all gains arising from dispositions of residential property (including a rental property) that was owned for less than 12 months would be business income.

The new deeming rule would not apply if the disposition related to one of the life events listed below:

  • Death: due to, or in anticipation of, the death of the taxpayer or a related person;
  • Household addition: due to, or in anticipation of, a related person joining the taxpayer’s household or the taxpayer joining a related person’s household (e.g. birth of a child, adoption, care of an elderly parent);
  • Separation: due to the breakdown of a marriage or common-law partnership;
  • Personal safety: due to a threat to the personal safety of the taxpayer or a related person, such as the threat of domestic violence;
  • Disability or illness: due to a taxpayer or a related person suffering from a serious disability or illness;
  • Employment change: for the taxpayer or their spouse or common-law partner to work at a new location or due to an involuntary termination of employment. In the case of work at a new location, the taxpayer’s new home must be at least 40 kms closer to the new work location;
  • Insolvency: due to insolvency or to avoid insolvency; and
  • Involuntary disposition: a disposition against someone’s will, for example, due to expropriation or the destruction or condemnation of the taxpayer’s residence due to a natural or man-made disaster.

Properties held for more than 12 months, or meeting one of the exceptions noted above, would continue to generate either business income or a capital gain on the disposition, depending on whether the property was acquired for the purpose of resale at a profit (business income) or was acquired for some other purpose (capital gain). While this measure was reflected as a “personal income tax measure,” it is unclear whether the deeming rule will also apply to corporations and other taxpayers.

The measure would apply in respect of residential properties sold on or after January 1, 2023. The government indicates that there will be a consultation when the legislation is drafted.

Labour Mobility Deduction for Tradespeople

Budget 2022 proposes a deduction of up to $4,000/year to recognize certain travel and relocation expenses of workers in the construction industry.

An eligible individual would be a tradesperson or an apprentice who temporarily relocates to enable them to obtain or maintain employment under which the duties performed are temporary in a construction activity at a particular work location. Prior to the relocation, they must also ordinarily reside in Canada, and during the relocation period, at temporary lodging in Canada near that work location.

The temporary lodging must be at least 150 kms closer than the ordinary residence to the particular work location. The particular work location must be located in Canada, and the temporary relocation must be for at least 36 hours.

Eligible expenses would include reasonable amounts for:

  • temporary lodging for the eligible individual near the particular work location; and
  • transportation and meals for the individual for one round trip between the temporary lodging and where the individual ordinarily resides.

The maximum deduction would be capped at 50% of the worker’s employment income from construction activities at the particular work location in the year. Amounts could be claimed in the tax year before or after the year they were incurred, provided they were not deductible in a prior year.

The individual’s ordinary residence must remain available to them during the period that they are in the temporary lodging.

Expenses for which the individual received non-taxable financial assistance could not be claimed. Amounts claimed under this deduction would not be eligible under the existing moving expense deduction and vice versa.

This measure would apply to the 2022 and subsequent taxation years.

Medical Expense Tax Credit (METC) for Surrogacy and Other Expenses

Budget 2022 proposes to expand access to the METC in cases where an individual relies on a surrogate or a donor to become a parent. Medical expenses paid by the taxpayer, or the taxpayer’s spouse or common-law partner, with respect to a surrogate mother or donor would be eligible for the METC, whereas previously they would generally not have been eligible. For example, expenses paid by the intended parent to a fertility clinic for an in vitro fertilization procedure with respect to a surrogate mother or for hormone medication for an ova donor would be eligible for the METC.

Budget 2022 proposes to allow reimbursements paid by the taxpayer to a patient to be eligible for the METC, provided that the reimbursement is for an expense that would generally qualify under the credit. For example, the METC could be available for reimbursements paid by the taxpayer for expenses incurred by a surrogate mother with respect to an in vitro fertilization procedure or prescription medication related to their pregnancy.

Budget 2022 also proposes to allow fees paid to fertility clinics and donor banks to obtain donor sperm or ova to be eligible under the METC. Such expenses would be eligible where the sperm or ova are acquired for use by an individual to become a parent.

All expenses claimed under the METC would be required to be incurred in Canada and in accordance with the Assisted Human Reproduction Act and associated regulations.

These measures would apply to expenses incurred in the 2022 and subsequent taxation years.

Amendments to the Children’s Special Allowances Act and to the Income Tax Act

Budget 2022 proposes several amendments to ensure that the Children’s Special Allowance, the Canada Child Benefit and the Canada Workers Benefit amount for families are appropriately directed in situations involving Indigenous governing bodies. These measures would be retroactive to 2020.

Other Personal Measures

Budget 2022 also proposes a number of measures for individuals for which few details were provided, including the following:

  • Dental care would be funded, starting for children under age 12 in 2022, expanding to children under age 18, seniors and disabled individuals in 2023, with full implementation by 2025. Full coverage would be provided for families with under $70,000 of annual income and no coverage would be provided for families with income of $90,000 or more.
  • The government intends to continue working towards a universal national pharmacare program, including tabling a Canada Pharmacare bill and working to have it passed by the end of 2023.
  • A one-time $500 payment would be made to those facing housing affordability challenges. Timing, eligibility and delivery method are to be announced at a later date.
  • The Incentives for Zero-Emission Vehicles program that has offered purchase incentives of up to $5,000 for eligible vehicles since 2019 would be extended until March 2025. Eligibility would be broadened to include more vehicle models, including more vans, trucks and SUVs. Further details will be announced by Transport Canada in the coming weeks.
  • Budget 2022 announces the government’s commitment to examine a new alternative minimum tax regime, with details on a proposed approach to be released in the 2022 fall economic and fiscal update.

Updated Business Hours: April 2022

Starting April 1, for one month we will be operating during the following hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. We hope these new hours will make it more convenient for our regular customers and...

Starting April 1, for one month we will be operating during the following hours:

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
  • Tuesday and Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

We hope these new hours will make it more convenient for our regular customers and new customers alike. As always, our team will be available to assist you and answer any questions you may have.

We look forward to serving you.

Old Age Security (OAS): Clawback Planning

Individuals who normally receive OAS are occasionally surprised when some OAS is subject to a special tax (commonly referred to as a “clawback”) with their T1 tax filings due to high earnings. In particular, OAS is clawed back at a rate of 15% of adjusted...

Individuals who normally receive OAS are occasionally surprised when some OAS is subject to a special tax (commonly referred to as a “clawback”) with their T1 tax filings due to high earnings. In particular, OAS is clawed back at a rate of 15% of adjusted income (AI) received in that year over an indexed threshold amount.

The current and upcoming threshold amounts are $79,845 (2021) and $81,761 (2022). If receiving maximum OAS in 2021 (assuming no changes for items like deferred application, being over age 75, etc.), the full amount will be clawed back if 2021 AI is $129,757 or higher.

AI is net income before the deduction of any clawback with a few modifications, such as removal of Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) income inclusions.

OAS payments starting in July are subject to withholdings based on AI of the prior calendar year. If it is known that AI for the current year will be less than that of the prior year, Form T1213(OAS) can be filed to request reduced withholdings.

Some planning considerations

Defer commencement of OAS receipt

Future OAS payment increases of .6% per month of delay (to a maximum of 36% for 5 years of deferral) are provided to compensate for the deferral of OAS pension payments. This flexibility may permit a person to reduce or eliminate the OAS clawback by deferring the receipt of OAS until the income of the person is below the AI clawback threshold. If OAS will be clawed back in its entirety, it costs noting to delay but provides the benefit of increased future payments. Increased OAS payments also increase the AI level at which all OAS is clawed back.

A further possibility for a high-income individual is to retroactively apply early in a year after reaching age 65 to receive up to additional 11 months of benefits in a single calendar year, hopefully retaining some benefits in that one year. For high-income seniors, application could be delayed resulting in the full 36% enhancement and 23 payments received in the year the individual reaches age 72.

Use resources that reduce AI

It is important to know how certain sources of income affect AI as any changes between the beginning clawback threshold and the amount at which OAS is completely eroded carry a 15% impact on OAS entitlement. Note that 115% of ineligible dividends and 138% of eligible dividends are included in AI. On the other hand, only 50% of capital gains are included.

Watch out for deductions

Certain deductions such as non-capital and net capital losses, the capital gains deduction, and the northern residence deduction will not reduce clawback. As such, for example, while no tax may need to be paid on the sale of qualified small business shares or qualified farm property, OAS could still be significantly impacted. On the other hand, deductions for pension splitting, which are discretionary, do reduce AI.

From an overall perspective, it may even be beneficial to shift pension income to the higher-earning spouse if it reduces clawback for the lower earner, despite the increase in marginal tax rates.

Time income inclusions

If an individual’s AI will unavoidably already fully eliminate OAS, consider whether additional amounts that have high impacts on AI could be taken into incomein the current year, with the after-tax amounts to be used to fund needs in future years. Likewise, if far below the prescribed threshold, the same may be considered as additional amounts do not erode OAS until that threshold is reached. Of course, the advantages would have to be balanced against any differences in applicable marginal tax rates and other income-tested benefits.

Individuals should also consider whether funds needed for the year could be obtained from sources that do not impact AI at all, such as capital dividends, capital withdrawals from investments, trust distributions of capital, TFSA withdrawals, repayment of shareholder loans or obtaining new loans.

ACTION: Care should be taken to minimize the current year and future year clawbacks to Old Age Security payments.

Canada Worker Lockdown Benefit (CWLB): Modified Support for Individuals

The CWLB provides a $300 per week benefit to employees and self-employed persons unable to work due to a public health restriction lasting at least seven consecutive days. It will apply only to regions designated by the federal government as eligible in the period. This...

The CWLB provides a $300 per week benefit to employees and self-employed persons unable to work due to a public health restriction lasting at least seven consecutive days. It will apply only to regions designated by the federal government as eligible in the period. This would be in regions where provincial or territorial governments have introduced capacity-limiting restrictions of 50% or more. CRA posted a webpage listing designated regions. As of January 11, 2022, Saskatchewan was the only region with no eligibility. Quebec and Northwest territories had certain regions eligible, while all the remaining provinces and territories had all regions eligible for at least some periods.

To be eligible, the applicant must also meet the following criteria:

  • SIN – have a valid social insurance number;
  • Age – be at least 15 years of age on the first day of the week;
  • Residency – be resident and present in Canada during the week;
  • Tax return filed – have filed a 2020 income tax return;
  • Prior earnings – have had, for 2020, or in the 12 months preceding the day on which they make the application, a total income of at least $5,000 from employment, self-employment, parental benefits, Canada Emergency Response Benefits (CERB), Canada Recovery Benefits (CRB) or income prescribed by legislation. For 2022 claims, the additional option of using 2021 income will be available;
  • Current benefits – no benefits are available for the same period with respect to EI, provincial parental benefits, the Canada recovery caregiving benefit or the Canada recovery sickness benefit; and
  • Loss of income – the individual must either have:
  • lost their employment during the lockdown period and been unemployed during the week;
  • been unable to perform the self-employment activities they normally performed immediately before the lockdown period; or
  • their average weekly income declined by at least 50% compared to their total average weekly employment and self-employment income for 2020 or the 12 months preceding the application (for 2022 claims, the additional option of using average weekly income for 2021 will be available).

Applicants who have voluntarily ceased to work, unless the cessation was reasonable, or failed to return to work when possible and reasonable to do so, are ineligible. Similar to the Canada Recovery Benefit, individuals will be ineligible for benefits during mandatory quarantine or self-isolation following a return from international travel. Where the inability to work results from a refusal to comply with a requirement to be vaccinated against COVID-19, the individual will be ineligible.

Where an individual received CWLB in 2021, their benefits will be reversed if they do not file their 2021 income tax return by December 31, 2022. Similarly, an individual receiving CWLB benefits in 2022 will lose entitlement if they do not file their 2021 and 2022 income tax returns by December 31, 2023.

Applications for benefits must be filed by the later of February 16, 2022, or 60 days from the end of the claim week.

ACTION: If you are eligible, ensure to make a timely claim. Also, if eligible, ensure your 2020 personal tax return was filed, and your 2021 return is filed to avoid required repayments.

Teachers and Early Childhood Educators: Expanded Access to Tax Credit

The eligible educator school supply tax credit is a refundable tax credit that allows teachers and early childhood educators to claim up to $1,000 for amounts expended (for which no allowance or reimbursement was provided) for supplies and some durable goods used to teach or...

The eligible educator school supply tax credit is a refundable tax credit that allows teachers and early childhood educators to claim up to $1,000 for amounts expended (for which no allowance or reimbursement was provided) for supplies and some durable goods used to teach or facilitate students’ learning. Individuals must have a certificate from their employer attesting to the eligibility of their expenses for the year.

Shift to online learning

In an October 19, 2021 Technical Interpretation, CRA stated that if a shift has been made to an online classroom due to COVID-19, supplies consumed could still be eligible for the educator school supply tax credit.

Enhancements to the credit

The government has proposed to enhance the eligible educator school supply tax credit to 25% of eligible supplies from the existing 15% credit and expand the list of durable goods eligible for the credit, both effective for 2021 tax years. The limit of $1,000 of eligible supplies remains unchanged.

The expanded list of durable goods includes all of the following (the first four items were previously allowed, while the other items have been added for 2021 and onwards):

  • books;
  • games and puzzles;
  • containers (such as plastic boxes or banker boxes);
  • educational support software;
  • calculators (including graphing calculators);
  • external data storage devices;
  • web cams, microphones and headphones;
  • multimedia projectors;
  • wireless pointer devices;
  • electronic educational toys;
  • digital timers;
  • speakers;
  • video streaming devices;
  • printers; and
  • laptop, desktop and tablet computers, provided that none of these items are made available to the eligible educator by their employer for use outside of the classroom.

ACTION: Ensure to provide receipts for amounts expended by teachers and early childhood educators based on the expanded list of eligible expenses for the credit.

Corporate Advertising and Promotion Expenses: CRA Increasing Reviews

Over the past few years, CRA has taken a targeted approach in reviewing amounts claimed under specific lines (based on the type of claim) of a corporate tax return. Various projects conducted included reviews of professional fees, travel expenses and the purchase of certain vehicles. CRA...

Over the past few years, CRA has taken a targeted approach in reviewing amounts claimed under specific lines (based on the type of claim) of a corporate tax return. Various projects conducted included reviews of professional fees, travel expenses and the purchase of certain vehicles.

CRA has recently focused their efforts on advertising and promotion expenses claimed by corporations. As part of this most recent project, CRA is asking for the following:

  • a detailed list of the transactions (or the general ledger entries) related to the expenses; and
  • a copy of the invoices and receipts for the ten largest transactions included in the expenses.

While there are many reasons to obtain this type of information, CRA may be analyzing whether any amounts deducted were personal, not wholly or partially deductible, or should have been capitalized. For example, provided no exceptions are available, amounts paid for food, beverages or entertainment are only 50% deductible to the corporation. Also, green fees for golf and membership fees in a golf club are not deductible regardless of whether they are incurred for business purposes.

ACTION: Be aware that additional CRA activity in these areas could result in extra time and administrative costs



Falsified Employment Records: The Penalties Can be Large

With numerous COVID-19 benefits being based on employment and remuneration levels, the federal government has likely become increasingly concerned with falsified employment records. However, this is not a new issue. In particular, the government already has experience dealing with false records used to increase access...

With numerous COVID-19 benefits being based on employment and remuneration levels, the federal government has likely become increasingly concerned with falsified employment records. However, this is not a new issue. In particular, the government already has experience dealing with false records used to increase access to employment insurance (EI) benefits.

Employers can face penalties of up to the greater of $12,000 and the total of all claimants’ penalties in relation to the offences. In addition, false claims by the applicant would result in an increased number of required hours to qualify for EI benefits in the future, with the specific number dependent on the value of the EI overpayment.

A September 14, 2021 Federal Court case addressed a $15,277 penalty that was assessed for a single employee’s records.

In respect of COVID-19 subsidies, employers may be subject to penalties including the following:

  • loss of all CEWS, CERS and CRHP benefits for the period plus a 25% penalty for manipulations of revenue;
  • loss of all CRHP benefits for the period plus a 25% penalty for manipulations of remuneration;
  • gross negligence penalties of 50% of any applicable disallowed claims;
  • third-party penalties to advisors equal to their compensation from the employer plus as much as $100,000 in situations of culpable conduct; and/or
  • in the extreme, criminal liability for false statements, attracting penalties of up to 200% of the excessive claim and potential imprisonment for upwards of five years

ACTION: Maintain supporting employment activity documentation as the government will be looking for situations in which employment records were falsified.

COVID-19 Business Supports: Targeted Measures

In the Fall of 2021, the government revised several business supports provided due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The changes include extending the Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) to May 7, 2022 and increasing the subsidy rate to 50%. The wage and rent subsidies under the previous...

In the Fall of 2021, the government revised several business supports provided due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The changes include extending the Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) to May 7, 2022 and increasing the subsidy rate to 50%. The wage and rent subsidies under the previous Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) and the Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy (CERS) are also being modified to provide much more targeted support to assist the hardest-hit businesses and those in the tourism and hospitality sector and extended to May 7, 2022.

While the base rules for the wage and rent subsidies under the more targeted approach are similar to the previous CEWS and CERS rules, there are some changes.

Both the wage subsidy and the rent subsidy are available under any of the following three gateways:

  • Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program – available to entities with a prior year revenue decline and a current period revenue decline of at least 50%;
  • Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program – available to qualifying tourism or hospitality entities with a prior year revenue decline and a current period revenue decline of at least 40%; and
  • Local Lockdown Program – available for businesses in all sectors, subject to a qualifying public health restriction, with a current revenue decline of at least 40% (25% in some periods).

Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program (HBRP)

Eligibility for the HBRP would require revenue declines of at least 50% for both of the following:

  1. the current month (determined under the existing CEWS and CERS rules); and
  2. the average of the first 13 CEWS periods (March 15, 2020 to March 13, 2021), referred to as the 12-month revenue decline.

The 12-month revenue decline would be calculated as the average of all revenue decline percentages from March 2020 to February 2021 (claim periods 1-13, excluding either claim period 10 or 11, which used the same comparative periods). Any periods in which an entity was not carrying on its ordinary operations for reasons other than a public health restriction (for example, because it is a seasonal business) would be excluded from this calculation.

The HBRP would be based on the qualifying remuneration (the same amounts previously eligible for CEWS) and qualifying rent expense (the same amounts previously eligible for CERS) at a rate based on the current-month revenue decline. At the minimum revenue decline of 50%, the subsidy would be 10%, rising to a maximum of 50% where the revenue decline is 75% or more. These subsidy rates would be halved for periods after March 12, 2022.

The rates are summarized in the chart below:

Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program (HBRP) Subsidy Rates
revenue decline
Periods 22 – 26
October 24, 2021 to March 12, 2022
Periods 27 – 28
March 13, 2022 to May 7, 2022
75% and over 50% 25%
50 – 74% 10% + (revenue decline–50%) x 1.6
(e.g., 10% + (60% revenue decline – 50%) x 1.6 = 26% subsidy rate)
5% + (revenue decline – 50%) x 0.8
(e.g., 5% + (60% revenue decline – 50%) x 0.8 = 13% subsidy rate)
0 – 49% 0% 0%

Lockdown support would also be available as under the previous CERS rules.

Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program (THRP)

The THRP would target the tourism and hospitality sector, with examples including hotels, restaurants, bars, festivals, travel agencies, tour operators, convention centres, providers of cultural activities and convention and trade show organizers.

Eligibility for the THRP would require revenue declines of at least 40% for both of the following:

  1. the current month (determined under the existing CEWS and CERS rules); and
  2. the average of the first 13 CEWS periods (March 15, 2020 to March 13, 2021), referred to as the 12-month revenue decline (calculated in the same way as the HBRP).

At the minimum revenue decline of 40%, the subsidy would be 40%, equal to the revenue decline, rising to a maximum of 75% where the revenue decline is 75% or more. These subsidy rates would be halved for periods after March 12, 2022.

The rates are summarized in the chart below:

Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program (THRP) Subsidy Rates
revenue decline
Periods 22 – 26
October 24, 2021 to March 12, 2022
Periods 27 – 28
March 13, 2022 to May 7, 2022
75% and over 75% 37.5%
40 – 74% revenue decline 1/2 of revenue decline
0 – 39% 0% 0%

Lockdown support would also be available as under the previous CERS rules.

Increased cap on qualified rent expense

Under CERS, qualified rent expenses were limited to $75,000 per location and an aggregate of $300,000 for all locations within an affiliated group. The aggregate monthly cap is increased from $300,000 to $1,000,000 for rent subsidies under the new gateway.

Local Lockdown Program

Organizations that are subject to a public health restriction are proposed to be eligible for support at the same rates applicable for the THRP (see above), regardless of sector.

The base rules require having one or more locations subject to a public health restriction lasting for at least seven days in the current claim period that requires them to cease activities that accounted for at least 25% of total revenues during the prior reference period. This would not require meeting the 12-month revenue decline, only a current-month decline. It would be available to all affected organizations, regardless of sector.

Special rules were introduced to provide expanded access to this program from December 19, 2021 to February 12, 2022. The expansion allows entities to qualify if they are subject to a capacity-limiting public health restriction of 50% or more. In addition, the current-month revenue decline threshold is reduced to 25% (from 40%).

ACTION: Targeted wage and rent subsidies are still available to those particularly hard-hit entities or those in the tourism and hospitality industry. Ensure to apply if eligible.

Small Business Air Quality Improvement Tax Credit: Could Your Business Benefit?

The December 14, 2021 Economic and Fiscal Update proposed a temporary refundable small businesses air quality improvement tax credit of 25% on eligible air quality improvement expenses incurred by small businesses to make ventilation and air filtration systems safer and healthier. The credit will be available...

The December 14, 2021 Economic and Fiscal Update proposed a temporary refundable small businesses air quality improvement tax credit of 25% on eligible air quality improvement expenses incurred by small businesses to make ventilation and air filtration systems safer and healthier.

The credit will be available for qualifying expenditures between September 1, 2021 and December 31, 2022 related to the purchase or upgrade of mechanical heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, and the purchase of standalone devices designed to filter air using high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, up to a maximum of $10,000 per location. There is also a $50,000 maximum claim to be shared among all affiliated entities. The $10,000 and $50,000 limits apply to expenditures over all years (since the beginning of the program) rather than to each particular taxation year.

Eligible entity

The credit is available to qualifying corporations, partnerships and individuals other than trusts. A qualifying corporation is a Canadian-controlled private corporation (CCPC) that has (in combination with associated corporations) less than $15 million in taxable capital employed in Canada.

Qualifying expenditures

To qualify, expenditures must be made for a qualifying location in Canada used by the entity in its ordinary commercial activities.

Claiming the credit

Expenses incurred September 1 – December 31, 2021 are claimed in the entity’s first tax year that ends on or after January 1, 2022, while expenses incurred January 1 – December 31, 2022 are claimed in the tax year in which the expenditure was incurred.
ACTION: Maintain and provide us with any receipts for amounts expended that may benefit from this tax credit.

The credits are taxable in the taxation year in which they are claimed.


Andrews & Co. are thrilled to announce that Angeline Fernandes and James Rawlings will be moving into a Team Lead roll with the firm. Their primary responsibilities will be advanced file preparation, new staff training and initial file review. Please join us in...

Andrews & Co. are thrilled to announce that Angeline Fernandes and James Rawlings will be moving into a Team Lead roll with the firm. Their primary responsibilities will be advanced file preparation, new staff training and initial file review. Please join us in congratulating them on their new positions!


For the 2020 year, many employees were required to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those employees generally had two deduction possibilities: using the flat method of claiming $2/day the individual worked from home, or doing a detailed calculation to claim the actual...

For the 2020 year, many employees were required to work from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Those employees generally had two deduction possibilities: using the flat method of claiming $2/day the individual worked from home, or doing a detailed calculation to claim the actual costs associated with working from home. While the first option was only a temporary relieving measure for the 2020 year, the Liberal election platform promised to extend access to this deduction for the 2021 and 2022 years.

In the summer of 2021, CRA started to review these claims. A tax journalist from the Financial post, was one of the individuals selected for review. He discussed his experiences in an August 5, 2021 article (What you need to know if the CRA reviews your home office expenseclaims, Jamie Golombek). The author had used the detailed method to claim actual workspace in home expenses and was asked to provide (among other items):

  • an employer-signed Form T2200 and a Form T777 setting out the claims;
  • receipts and supporting documents, noting that credit card statements, bank statements, or cheques would not be sufficient support;
  • for the workspace itself, the calculation details for the percentage claimed, including space used for employment and personal purposes and a copy of the floor plan of the residence with the home office; and
  • for cell phone expenses, CRA requested copies of the mobile contract, monthly account summaries, proof of payment, and a breakdown of the minutes and data used to earn employment income.

Similar to other deductions against income, not all claims are reviewed; nonetheless, taxpayers should be prepared to provide this level and type of detailed support.

Also, in a Technical Interpretation, CRA confirmed that the temporary flat-rate claim of $2 per day (maximum $400) can be deducted by adult children living at home provided that they contribute towards the payment of eligible home office expenses and meet the relevant eligibility criteria.

ACTION ITEM: Be prepared to provide detailed supporting documentation for workspace in home claims made under the detailed method.

WITHDRAWING FROM FAMILY RESPs: Flexible Planning Possibilities

A July 21, 2021 Money Sense article (My three kids chose different educational paths. How do I withdraw RESP funds in a way that’s fair to them and avoids unnecessary taxes?, Allan Norman) considered some possibilities and strategies to discuss when withdrawing funds from a...

A July 21, 2021 Money Sense article (My three kids chose different educational paths. How do I withdraw RESP funds in a way that’s fair to them and avoids unnecessary taxes?, Allan Norman) considered some possibilities and strategies to discuss when withdrawing funds from a single RESP when children have different financial needs for their education. Some of the key points included the following:

  • There is likely a minimum educational assistance payment (EAP) withdrawal that should be taken, even by the child that needs it least.
  • The EAP includes government grants (up to $7,200) and accumulated investment earnings on both the grants and taxpayer contributions.
  • The grants can be shared, but only up to $7,200 can be received per child, with unused amounts required to be returned to the government.
  • Only $5,000 in EAPs can be withdrawn in the first 13 weeks of consecutive enrollment.
  • The withdrawal amount is not restricted by school costs.
  • The children are taxed on EAP withdrawals.
  • It is generally best to start withdrawing the EAP amounts as early in the child’s enrollment as possible, when the child’s taxable income is lowest. If the child is expected to experience lower income in later years, there is flexibility to withdraw EAP amounts in those later years instead.
  • The level of EAP withdrawn for each child can be adjusted. As individuals are taxed on the EAP withdrawals, planning should consider the children’s other expected income (e.g. targeting less EAPs for years in which they will be working, perhaps due to co-op programs or graduation). Consider having the EAP completely withdrawn before the year of the last spring semester as the child will likely have a higher income as they start to work later in the year.
  • To the extent that investment earnings remain after all EAP withdrawals for the children are complete, the excess can be received by the subscriber. However, these amounts are not only taxable, but are subject to an additional 20% tax. Alternatively, up to $50,000 in withdrawals can also be transferred to the RESP subscriber’s RRSP (if sufficient RRSP contribution room is available), thus eliminating the additional 20% tax. An immediate decision is not necessary as the funds can be retained in the RESP until the 36th year after it was opened.

ACTION ITEM: The type, timing, and amount of RESP withdrawals can significantly impact overall levels of taxation. Where an RESP is held for multiple children, greater flexibility exists. Consult a specialist to determine what should be withdrawn, at what time, and by whom.

HOLDING DIGITAL ASSETS IN RRSPs: Pitfalls and Possibilities

Recently, individuals have become more interested in investing in digital assets such as cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash etc.); cryptocurrency liquidity mining and yield farming; and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The next question often asked is whether such items can be held in tax-advantaged accounts such as...

Recently, individuals have become more interested in investing in digital assets such as cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dash etc.); cryptocurrency liquidity mining and yield farming; and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). The next question often asked is whether such items can be held in tax-advantaged accounts such as an RRSP.

An RRSP’s tax-preferred treatment only extends to “qualified investments.” Broadly speaking, qualified investments only include money and securities that are listed on a designated stock exchange. As such, digital assets like cryptocurrencies and NFTs are not qualified investments, so they cannot be held in an RRSP.

However, the investment market has seen a recent surge in cryptocurrency-based exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Many of these are traded on designated stock exchanges, so these cryptocurrency ETFs may be qualified investments. A September 20, 2021 Walletbliss article (Best Crypto ETFs in Canada (2021): Cryptocurrency For All, Simon Ikuseru) lists Canadian Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs noted as being eligible RRSP and TFSA investments.

Caution must be afforded as a penalty tax applies if the RRSP acquires a non-qualified investment, with the penalty tax equal to 50% of the fair market value of that investment. In addition, the RRSP is taxable on any income from the non-qualified investment and on any capital gain (not the normal 50% taxable capital gain) from disposing of the non-qualified investment.

ACTION ITEM: If interested in holding digital assets in a tax-sheltered savings account such as an RRSP, make sure that item is a qualified investment.


When a shareholder passes away, their shares are deemed to be disposed of at fair market value (FMV) unless a tax-free rollover is available and used. This can cause a tax liability at a time when no cash is available. Holding a life insurance policy...

When a shareholder passes away, their shares are deemed to be disposed of at fair market value (FMV) unless a tax-free rollover is available and used. This can cause a tax liability at a time when no cash is available. Holding a life insurance policy in the corporation in respect of the owner-manager can fund these tax liabilities or provide cash to buy out the shares from the estate.

In some cases, whole-life insurance policies are used as tax-sheltered investment tools. However, a problem may arise in that the FMV of the insurance policy is deemed to be its cash surrender value (CSV) for the purpose of determining the FMV of the shares of the corporation. In other words, obtaining such a policy potentially increases the gain experienced on the shares upon deemed disposition at death. Also, the insurance proceeds may not go to the desired party.

Insurance tracking shares can be used to address these issues. They are essentially shares whose value is directly attached to a policy’sCSV, death benefit, or both. They can be issued as preferred shares without access to voting rights, dividends from business profits, or participation in value growth of the rest of the business. If obtained at the initiation of the life insurance policy, the shares can be purchased for nominal consideration because the FMV of the policy should also be nominal. The insurance tracking shares could be redeemed after death, with the related dividend being tax-free by using the increased capital dividend account from the payout of the insurance policy.

As the policy increases in value due to the investments, so do the tracking shares, which would be held by the specific parties intended to benefit from the increases, such as the individual’s children. Two May 19, 2021 Technical Interpretations confirmed CRA’s 2005 position that the CSV would be allocated between the common shares and the insurance tracking shares based on the rights and attributes of each class, using the same valuation principles that would guide the allocation of the value of other corporate assets.

If done correctly, the proceeds of the common shares on death would not be affected by the increase in insurance policy value. However, it is important to note that a specialist should be used in setting up these shares as significant precision in the share attributes is required to ensure that it functions as intended.

ACTION ITEM: Holding a life insurance policy in a corporation can be a useful tool to assist with continuity upon death of an owner-manager. The use of insurance tracking shares can mitigate increases in capital gains upon death when using such policies.