The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has released some valuable information in regards to how to protect yourself against fraud. It is important that taxpayers are very attentive when they receive information by telephone, mail, text message or email requesting personal information such as: social insurance number, credit card number, bank account number or passport number.

These scams are usually sent with the intention that taxpayers can’t receive a refund or benefit payment unless they send the required information. Other communications ask taxpayers to visit a fake CRA website where they need to enter personal information. These are all scams, and should never be responded to.

The CRA has come up with the following information to identify legitimate communications (please be aware of these guidelines and understand what to expect when the CRA contacts you):


The CRA may:

  • Verify your identify by asking for personal information such as: full name, date of birth, address or social insurance number
  • Ask for details about your account, in the case of a business enquiry
  • Call you to begin an audit process

The CRA will never:

  • Ask for information about your passport, health card, drivers license
  • Ask for payment by Interac e-transfer, bitcoin, prepaid credit cards or gift cards
  • Use aggressive languor or threaten you (or leave voicemails threatening you)


To find out more information of what the CRA may do, or will never do by mail, email and text messages please visit: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/corporate/security/protect-yourself-against-fraud.html?wbdisable=true



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