Professional Fees

Professional Fees

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has initiated a program that entails performing a limited review of taxpayers’ corporate income tax returns. They are specifically targeting balances reported as professional fees on the corporate tax return and are requesting information such as invoices, receipts and proof of payment. Professional fees are one of the first categories targeted by the CRA but it is expected that other types of expenses such as travel and advertising and promotion may be reviewed going forward.

Action item: ensure the professional fees reported on your corporate tax return are tax deductible and that appropriate documentation has been kept. If you are unsure of the deductibility of your expenses for tax purposes, please consult your accountant or advisor.


This publication is produced by Andrews & Co. as an information service to clients and friends of the firm, and is not intended to substitute for competent professional advice. No action should be initiated without consulting your professional advisors.

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